Running Assessment

Many people have started running as a form of fitness as they are no longer are able to play sports or attend the gym. Some people are contemplating running for the first time while others who have recently taken it up are wondering why they didn’t start earlier.

They have discovered they are enjoying running more as a form of exercise than when they were at the gym. However, starting from no running to doing multiple runs a week often leads to injury and short circuits the only form of fitness you can do! Some people have already broken down with knee, Achilles, heel, shin and other foot and leg injuries.

Running Assessment Adelaide

We have identified 7 factors which cause this:

  1. Poor running shoes
  2. Poor running technique
  3. A rapid increase in running
  4. Inadequate recovery methods
  5. Weak and/or tight muscles
  6. Biomechanical factors (pronated or supinated feet etc)
  7. Not being ready to run

At the SA Running Injury Clinic, we focus on creating robust runners who can keep running sustainably.

For people who want to reach their running goals, whether it be a 5km park run, the City to Bay, a marathon or simply to stay in shape and stay injury-free, we’re offering 3 gap-free running assessments each week.

The assessments include 5 things:

  1. A comprehensive history of your running/fitness history
  2. Full Biomechanical Assessment
  3. Movement Analysis Screen
  4. Computerised Gait and Running Technique Analysis
  5. Detailed Program outlining your goals, accountability tools and injury prevention measures
Gap Running Assessment Adelaide

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