Our Team


Team & HR Manager

Rachel: Rachel is a behind the scenes member of our team, who you may spy from time to time, jumping from clinic to clinic and room to room to catch up with our team members. She brings her years of experience as a Mental Health Occupational Therapist to the team. With an interest in all things people and relationships, she is keen to help team members grow and achieve their goals. Rachel manages our recruitment, team development, team member mentoring and is keen to strengthen the clinic’s culture.

When not at the clinic, Rachel juggles her Occupational Therapy work, further studies, time with her young daughters and finding little moments to read a book, be outdoors and catch-up with family and friends.

Our Team

Want to speak with Rachel ?

Call our North Adelaide Clinic on 08 8239 1022 or our Eastwood Clinic on 08 8357 0700.